(Heidel Bedroom)
(Dravis quickly wakes up from his dream. The dream shattered to him
like breaking glass. He shakes it off and tries going back to sleep,
but can't. This time Vanessa had told him a lot. She wasn't the only
one, there was Tony Viscani.)
Find the...find the truth!
(Those were the words that he said before he died when Dravis killed
him in his dream. And when Vanessa lead him to the hospital room where
"mommy" was being taken care of, the answers were drawing
close to him. The dreams were like pieces to a jigsaw puzzle. They started
when Vanessa would appear from a far. She would laugh and giggle. Then
she would talk to him. Telling him that they needed to see "mommy."
Then there was the mafia like sequences. Next was the one where Dravis
was yelling at his wife and a car had come breaking through a window,
hurting her. Currently there were the hospital dreams. They played out
like a silent film. She supposidly lost a baby. He opened the curtain
and he saw her.)
It can't be.
(Dravis doesn't want to wake up Tiffany. She would be confused, groggy,
and upset that she was woken up by what she would call, nonsense.)
- - -
Scene 2:
(Heidel Bathroom)
(Pitch black darkness surounds the bathroom. Until one click from the
light switch turns on everything to luminate the chic bathroom that
Tiffany and Dravis owned together. Tiffany looks at herself in the mirror.
She quietly shuts the door so that she doesn't wake up Dravis. Only
a strip of light could be seen if he happened to wake up. Tiffany was
fully dressed for the day. It wasn't what she wore the previous night
when Bryant had drugged her and erased her memory. She was dressed to
go to work...her real work.)
(Tiffany goes back into the darkened bedroom. She could see that Dravis
was sound asleep on his side with his face covered. The room was silent.
His breathing was just that. A tear falls from her face as she blows
him a kiss goodbye. She felt bad for what she was doing to him. Lying
to him the way that she was, but she wasn't the only one. Tiffany exits
like a mouse into her car. It was three in the morning and had Dravis
woken up to look for her, the bathroom light was still on, signaling
that it was still in use by her.)
(Tiffany starts up her car, turns on the headlights, and begins to drive.
For some odd reason she wasn't tired. She drives up to a parking lot
that is next to a tall gray building. It's almost as if it was abandoned
but it certainly was not. Tiffany gets out of her car and begins to
(Dravis pokes his head up from sitting deadlike in the backseat. The
coast was clear. Dressed casually in black, Dravis thought of the rumpled
pillows to make it look like he was asleep, it fooled his wife. Tiffany
had walked in to the gray gothic architectured building, there were
no windows, just a round lighted bulb that stuck on top of the doorway.
The building was almost something out of a comic book. The curiousity
of what was inside, drove Dravis wild.)
(He opens the back seat car door and quietly shuts it behind him, but
a little sound came out. One that he couldn't help make, but no one
Where did you go Tiffany? It's time to find out.
(Dravis opens the door. Funny, there was no lock or some sort of high
tech identification system. Tiffany wasn't the only one who could be
sneaky. There was only one room that was at the bottom of the lengthy
cream colored hallway. The floor was covered red and the ceiling was
uphigh. It was like a castle or a church.)
(When he got to the other end of the hallway, he noticed two tall juniper
plants. There was no way that he could just bust in there. He didn't
know what was behind those doors. All he could do was eavesdrop. The
door was partly open.)
(to whomever she was speaking to)
He's sound asleep. Like always.
That's all he ever does.
Give the guy a break, prision life must have been hard on him.
Hey I tried the best that I could do.
I just can't believe that I screwed up. How was I supposed to know that
there was going to be a press conference?
You are blond.
Look who's talking!
(There was the familiar voices. He noticed each and everyone of them.
Then there was the all powerful one. The one that was obviously controlling
Let's get this meeting underway. You will all be getting new scripts
for new plots to make our friend Dravis Heidel's life even more miserable.
- - -
Scene 3:
(Jamie's Bedroom)
(Jamie tosses and turns in her bed. The summer heat was getting to her.
Her ceiling fan was on at an optimal speed, but it wasn't cooling her
down. She couldn't sleep at all. The room was dark, except for the moonlight
that was shining through her bedroom from her window. Her alarm clock
flashed the time in lime green. 3:29 A.M. Good thing that she didn't
have any classes. Finals were coming up and school was soon to be ending
for the summer.)
(There is a clicking noise. She dismisses it as nothing.)
I'm sure that this house is haunted.
(Jamie closes her eyes again. The heat really was bothering her. Seconds
later she was kicking off her covers again. Her purple t-shirt and matching
short bikini like underwear wasn't keeping her cool either, but it sort
of helped.)
(She sighs and hits her pillow. It makes a thud noise. Then the clicking
noise came back.)
What the- ?!
(She gets out of bed and goes towards her shut door. Her hand goes for
the knob to turn it, but she then shakes her head and lies back in her
Either Uncle Bryant or Carmen are up or they're-
(Jamie shutters at the thought.)
No way do I want to think about that.
(Jamie closes her eyes yet again, only to open them right back up.)
Why? Why can't I get any sleep?
(The window is the only thing that she can see. Maybe it could solve
her heat problem.)
(She gets out of bed again and walks over to the window. She opens it
and a cool breeze comes blowing through. That was exactly what Jamie
(The clicking noises that she heard stopped but someone mysterious was
standing behind her.)
(Jamie stood in front of the window. Relishing the nice air that felt
comforting, cooling, and relaxing. Jamie turns around only to run into
the mysterious person. Like seeing a ghost, she gasps with shock.)
What are you doing here?
Hello Jamie. Expecting to see me in jail?
- - -
Scene 4:
(Unknown Office Building)
(Dravis continues to eavesdrop in confusion. He crotches down behind
the tall plant on the left. Just in case anyone walked towards him,
he wouldn't be noticed.)
(In the office itself, it was small. There was a dark mahogany table
with luxurious black chairs around it. The table took up most of the
space. The pecan lights from the ceiling gave that whole modern office
look appeal. At the head of the table, there was Carmen. On the right
side there was Bryant, Ryley, and Shanna. Across Bryant was Debra, on
his right was Timothy. Everyone sat tired, but with the yearn to learn.)
Before we go on to the next plot. Are there any questions?
Yeah. So Bryant killed Shanna, but now that Dravis knows she's alive,
it means that he can get off scott free. Why does my memory have to
be erased?
Bryant erased your memory just to make him look evil.
Clever. Very clever.
I have a question about what's going to happen between Debra and I.
Our plot used to be good, but now it's boring. Is there anything else
going to happen?
Yes and no. Maybe Debra could find out about how Tiffany asked you for
money. Something will happen. Guarenteed. So if there are no other questions,
we will continue.
Where's Terry?
He's at my home right now. With Jamie. He's going to be keeping her
If he hurts her, I swear to you- !
Calm down, he's not going to.
(Dravis looks in the crack of the open doorway. He sees everyone. When
he hears about Jamie, the only thing he could do was think about how
he had to save her. He quickly tip toes his way back through the narrow
hallway, out the door, and begins to run back to his house. Although
he didn't see where he was going when he was in the backseat of Tiffany's
car, he knew that she hadn't gone far. Jamie was near.)
(The meeting continues.)
Now what am I going to do?
Dravis has no idea what's going on. Thanks to everyone here, we're still
on tact with our plan. Why don't we up it a bit and Shanna that's where
you'll come into play.
Shanna always gets the good stuff.
(Shanna playfully pouts out a kiss to her and winks.)
You're going to have to make Dravis go insane. And Tiffany, make him
think that he's boarderline crazy!
I've been doing the best that I can.
Good. Then it's settled, we'll make Dravis go even crazier. Possibly
commit suicide via his insanity!
- - -
Scene 5:
(Jamie's Bedroom)
(Jamie looks deep into Terry's eyes. She was shocked and horrified by
seeing who stood in front of her. He had a smile on his face like he
knew that he held all of the cards at the moment. He could smell her
You're not supposed to be here.
Thanks to you I would have been in jail. That was a very nice thing
you tried doing for your friend Heidel.
I'm calling the police and Ryley Schantz will be here and you'll be
You're not going to do a damn thing!
(Terry forcefully places his hands on Jamie's shoulder.)
Watch me!
(Jamie breaks free from his grip and goes for her cell phone. Before
she can even dial the number '9,' Terry grabs the phone off of her and
throws it against the wall. The phone slides and crashes as it hits
the solid plaster.)
Like I said. You're not going to do anything!
(Jamie tries running for her bedroom door to escape, but finds it locked
from the other side.)
Uncle Bryant! Carmen! Anyone!
There's no one here.
(Terry laughs at Jamie's attempt to try and get help. He shakes his
head from side to side. He then throws her on top of her bed and tackles
her hands in a way that she can't use them.)
This position looks very familiar to me. So you figured out that I took
advantage of you and you wanted revenge. I thought you were some dumb
girl but I guess I was wrong. Then didn't think I was smart
enough to break out.
Please don't hurt me.
No one's going to find out about the first time or the second time.
Second time?
(Terry begins to kiss her neck as Jamie tries wiggling her way out.
She screams again. Jamie tries fighting back tears. He was going to
do it again.)
There wasn't something you didn't think of. Of course I couldn't hurt
you. After all, we didn't wear protection.
No. You're making this up.
There could be a little Terry or Jamie junior on its way.
NO! I'm not pregnant!
You were passed out drunk so how would you know. Any symptoms?
(Jamie can hear someone coming through the house. Terry looks to the
door, while still being on top of Jamie, he didn't know who was home.)
Dravis! Help me!
(Dravis begins to try and open the door but can't. Instead he uses his
shoulder to break in. He finds Terry on top of Jamie trying to abuse
You sick son of a bitch!
(Terry gets off of Jamie . He walks over to Dravis.)
I'm not afraid of you. You're nothing to me.
(Dravis punches Terry in the jaw. The hit makes him fall to the ground.)
I should kill you for touching this girl.
(Terry gets back up. He runs towards the window.)
This is just getting started.
(to Jamie)
Remember what I said babe!
(Terry then jumps out of the window to escape. Jamie is almost in tears.
She begins to breathe heavier.)
Are you okay?
He said that I was pregnant. I know it's not true.
Did he hurt you?
No. But I'm okay. Now that you're here.
(Jamie hugs Dravis. She felt so safe in his arms/grasp.)
- - -
Scene 6:
(Unknown Office Building)
(The meeting had cleared. Ryley went back to live his "life,"
and would probably stop back at the station to look like he was hard
at work, trying to find out who killed Shanna. Shanna was staying in
Timothy's old hotel room for safety. Debra and Timothy went back to
their home to try and reconcile their broken marriage. Others weren't
quick to go back to their homes.)
(Carmen gathers some paper files, mostly scripts to what would happen
next, into her thin business briefcase. Before she was going to lock
up, Bryant walks into the room, and shuts the door behind him, but not
Why haven't you left yet? This meeting went longer than expected.
What you're doing to Dravis and to Jamie is downright wrong.
You didn't think so when you signed your contract to go through this
Before wasn't as extreme as it is now. Suicide? Even you aren't that
What are you saying?
(Before Bryant could answer, Carmen's cell phone rings. She picks it
Yes Terry?
How the hell did Dravis know what we were doing to Jamie?
He doesn't. He should be sound asleep because of the sleeping pills
that Tiffany gave him.
Well he's awake now. And he came to save the day for Jamie.
There's no way that he could've known. That must mean...that somehow
he found out. Damn it!
(Carmen hangs up with Terry. She looks frustrated.)
Obviously he knows that something's up. I want out. Now!
(The other person who didn't leave yet was Tiffany. She felt just as
guilty as Bryant was feeling. The words probably would have been different
but still the same message would have gotten out. She was feeling sorry
for what they were putting Dravis through. Before she opens the door,
just like Dravis was earlier, she begins to eavesdrop on Carmen and
What are you going to do about it?
(Bryant takes a few steps towards the door. Carmen couldn't see what
was going on. Until he turned around with a gun in his hand, aimed at
her, but when he had his gun drawn, she had her own pistol in hand.)
I'll shoot you. I swear it.
You're turning more into your psycho character each and every miniute.
If we're going to settle this. We should at least make it interesting,
don't you think?
Just let me walk.
Over my dead body.
(Carmen runs her hands across the wall towards the light switch. She
sweeps the light off. Pitch black darkness covers them.)
(Tiffany was scared out of her mind and didn't know what to do. Then
she heard it. A gunshot went off.)
- - -
Scene 7:
(Jamie's Bedroom)
(After the controversay with Terry died down, Dravis sat on Jamie's
floor next to her bed. He was exhausted as was she.)
Do you know what's going on because I have no clue!
Shanna's alive. I thought that I was crazy when I saw her but she's
really alive. Then I found out that Tiffany doens't work at the library,
not ever. She woke me up a little bit ago. I followed her and she took
me to this office building where Carmen was.
Carmen? What does she have to do with this?
All of these dreams that I've been having. They were leading to me something.
And the last one lead me to Carmen. She's behind something. Something
dangerous. I still don't know what it is. All I know is, a lot of the
people on this block are against me. I don't know why.
Like who? You know I'm not against you. You saved me from Terry and
you're confiding to me. I'm really glad that we have one another at
this time. Since we're on the same page of confiding...Terry did some
bad things to me and I did something bad to help you.
Whatever it was, it wasn't worth it. He's a low life who's just trying
to get in your head.
He raped me! Slipped a date rape drug and next thing I know, I'm naked
in his dorm room. So I got back at him. And I did it by framing him
for Shanna's murder because I knew that you were not capable of that.
That's just it. All of these things that have happened...they were planned.
And I heard them say something about how your uncle killed Shanna and
brainwashed Tiffany. Just sounds like a soap opera or something. I also
heard them talking about scripts and what they wanted to do to me next.
That's how I found out that Terry was with you. Carmen mentioned it.
There's no way that someone could plan something that big. And there's
no way that my uncle would do that.
Well not all the answers are there, but I'm sure they'll unfold. I just
don't know what to do. There's something wrong this town.
You can stay here with me. If something's going on, then Carmen isn't
coming back.
You can't just lock me in your room. I'm going to have to face this
town. Somehow.
Just stay here. For tonight or the morning. If you're scared that they're
after you, then I believe you. They won't find you here.
(Dravis yawns. He begins to doze off.)
I'll let you be.
(Dravis falls asleep on the floor. Jamie walks over to him and covers
him with a light blanket and slips a pillow under his head. She felt
good taking care of him. At that very moment, her crush for him died,
because she felt more like a friend than a school girl.)
- - -
Scene 8:
(Again Dravis slipped into the dreamworld state. Everything was dark,
just like it always started out. Then Tony's dead body came floating
past him. It was a dark orangish red color and he looked like he had
been floating in water. Once the body was nothing but a yellow firery
blur, Vanessa came tugging on his leg.)
I'm glad to see you.
There's more to come and you may not like what you see.
You have to tell me.
You're so close. Faith.
Faith in what?
Stop it! Tell me what's going on. Tell me why and what Carmen has planned
for me!
What about you?
Me. You're with. Me. Me!
(The word 'me' echoes aloud in the darkness. She kept saying it. Until
Dravis woke up and he could still hear her saying 'me.')
- -
Scene 8:
(Jamie's Bedroom)
(Dravis woke up on Jamie's floor. He was groggy and a little uncomfortable,
after all, he did sleep in the clothes that he was wearing earlier.)
(Jamie walks in, dressed in normal summer clothes. Shorts and a t-shirt.)
Is she here?
No. And neither is my uncle. I took a shower and I thought I heard her
come in. Since her little plan with Terry failed, I'm sure she would've
acted like nothing happened. And if she asked if I saw you, I would
have lied to her.
We need to get to the police. I don't want to go to my house because
there's a liar in my bed and I can't see my best friends from across
the street because they're backstabbing me too.
Just to let you know that I grabbed some of my uncle's clothes for you
to wear. We need to keep you in disguise.
Good idea. Actually I want to take a quick shower.
Go right ahead.
(Dravis goes to shower. He walks over to Carmen and Bryant's bedroom.
Everything looked normal. There was no need to investigate. He then
took his shower and dried off. Bryant's clothes fit him perfectly. Still
there was no sign of anyone. Dravis knew that something was bound to
happen. He then makes his way back to Jamie's room.)
You look different. Like a preppy lawyer.
Good. Let's go.
(Jamie gets a few of her things but before they can go, something on
her dresser catches Dravis's eye. He looked at one of the small pictures
that was in a silver frame.)
What's wrong?
Who is this?
That was me when I was little.
(The picture was of Vanessa.)